
Photoshop Illustration

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How It's Done!
Using Adobe Photoshop as an illustration tool has become a more frequently recognized art form. The following is a six part tutorial covering the wide range of techniques used in the process of creating the displayed piece, Neuromancer, through graphic design and illustration with Adobe Photoshop.

This series includes:

Original Photos:
The use of stock photography in the make up of the overall design and proper file size in scaling and manipulation.

Naming Layers and Folders:
The practice of organizing and naming complicated files and folders for ease of use and time efficiency.

Clipping Paths:
How to properly remove images from photos and seamless integration into background imagery.

Blending Modes:
Applying Blending Modes from the Layers Menu Palate to multiple layers to achieve artistic results.

Layer Masks:
How to hide specific elements within a photo or folder of images.

Note: In most cases key commands are applied while clicking with the mouse. It is assumed that viewers will have some basic computer knowledge. This is not an advanced tutorial nor a basic one, but somewhere in the middle ground of the learning curve...