I went with a minor change in the color scheme. While I am not a fan of white type on a black background I do favor the use of gray colors on a black background. It seems less striking on the page and easier on the eye. Ultimately, overall I will need to adjust the layout so the site always appears centered in the browser window. I went with a fairly large layout that will need to be adjusted with media queries to fit on iPad screen size on down to smaller tablets and then a completely different layout for cell phones.
For this page the layout remains the same with slight text color changes. I did start this animation with a full set of images to start. The cycling text will need to be adjusted in timing to give the reader a better chance to finish before the next one starts.
For this page the layout changed in the first third replacing the animated bar of images to three images that appear, one after the other, and stop the animation. I was also able to create the animated "open gallery" button.
This page follows the new layout scheme for the upper third of the page. So far all images in the galleries have been tested and are in working order on all pages done to this point.
Again, this page follows the new layout for the Featured Clients pages.
This page was a new design incorporating one of my personal pieces. This one was the best for the eye contrast to the type. In researching for a better way to save space on the page I incorporated the use of Spry Collapsable Panels. I was able to adjust for a default open on the first item with the rest closed. I am still searching for the code that will close the previous panel when a new one is opened. I chose this new color for the body copy and plan to incorporate the color on text in all pages with a more subtle approach.
This page follows the layout of the previous page. The light blue color will be added to the existing copy (most likely just the address and phone numbers). Additionally, I will make the animated image bar at the top start with a full set and make this change to the previous page as well. Another slight adjustment will be the alignment of the text and images on the right site throughout all pages.
All pages can be viewed at www.designsource-bfg.com/redesign